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Blurred Poster with Mpox specimen transported via SIGMA MM

The need for safe specimen transportation and testing in areas with limited biological containment facilities has become increasingly urgent. SIGMA-MM™ has demonstrated effectiveness in inactivating various microorganisms, including RNA viruses like Influenza and SARS-CoV-2, while preserving nucleic acids for identification. In response to the Mpox outbreak in non-endemic countries in 2022, we aimed to test […]

Icons depicting the prevalence of C. difficile in Australian retail vegetables

Community-associated Clostridium difficile infection (CA-CDI) has been rising in Australia for several years. Using MWE's POLYWIPE™, researchers from The University of Western Australia were able to determine the prevalence and molecular types of C. difficile present on reatil vegetables and households in Queensland and Western Australia

The recent reports of invasive Group A Streptococcal infections in children have drawn attention to this relatively common pathogen. MWE has a range of products that can help with diagnosis.

A study done by Cardiff University showed that SIGMA VCM™ transport medium met and exceeded the basic requirements for transport of bacteria set out by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Standard M40-A2. Viability of Ureaplasma species in SIGMA-VCM™ transport medium was stable for 4 days at room temperature. Viability could be extended to at least 264 hours if kept at 4˚C.

Adenovirus hepatitis

Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) released a report on acute hepatitis in children with an unknown origin. Even though Adenovirus is a hypothesis as being one of the strongly associated reasons for Hepatitis in this report, it is still under investigation. United Kingdom is one of the highly affected countries. PCR analysis has been the first line of diagnosis. Blood sampling, respiratory sampling and stool sampling are being used to collect specimen. Respiratory specimen in a VTM such as the SIGMA-VIROCULT® (Viral transport media) and SIGMA-MM™ inactivation media can be used to collect samples.


Poliovirus can be cultured from faeces which usually goes through a prolonged cell culture process. MWE’s FECAL TRANSWAB® compatible with PCR, would be a suitable medium to collect and transport the sample to the laboratory if faecal sample was not readily available or desirable.

It is imperative that any sampling device does not carry non-viable (dead) organisms as they may guide users towards the wrong conclusion. MWE products consistently pass every aspect of M40-A2 requirements, including absence of non-viable organisms.

Great efforts are being made by healthcare professionals everywhere to reduce and if possible eliminate the risk of hospital acquired infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile. Nowhere is this more important than in the operating theatre, where every possible step is taken to ensure an environment that is as near sterile as possible to prevent surgical site infections.

The standard ISO 18593:2018 provides important guidance for sampling and testing surfaces in the food chain environment for microbiological safety, and much of this information is relevant for monitoring surfaces in healthcare settings for the purposes of infection control.

CLSI’s ‘Quality Control of Microbiological Transport Systems’ provides a method to determine collection devices suitable for the transport of viral specimens over extended distances

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