A clinical study was carried out Andrew Rusdale, Health Protection Agency, to evaluate SIGMA VIROCULT® in accordance to CLSI-M40-A.
In the present study the panel of viruses which were evaluated using Sigma Virocult® were Adenovirus 1, Influenza A, Parainfluenza 3, Rhinovirus, and Herpes Simplex Types 1 and 2. Survival was studied after holding times of up to 7 days, and at holding temperatures of 4°C (refrigeration) and 22°C (representing ambient temperatures).
SIGMA-VIROCULT® was shown to successfully recover all 6 viruses after holding for up to 7 days, and whether held at 4°C or ambient temperature.
The SIGMA-VIROCULT® swab has been around for many years, and there have been many studies in the past showing it to be effective for most of the common respiratory and skin associated viruses. The present study has provided the opportunity to assess the SIGMA-VIROCULT® swab in a new era, using current materials and cell lines.